Navi Mumbai :- In accordance with the directives of the Maharashtra State Government, the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation has scheduled a Lokshahi Day event at its headquarters on the first Monday of every month. For the month of November, Lokshahi Day will take place on November 6, 2023, which is the first Monday of the month.
Applicants are required to submit their applications, known as ‘Lokshahi Dinakarita Arj,’ in the prescribed format provided on the official website of Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (www.nmmc.gov.in). The deadline for submitting applications is October 23, 2023.
Each application should pertain to a single department and a specific subject matter. It should be addressed to the relevant department or department head’s office before the Lokshahi Day event, and no applications will be accepted on the actual day.
Notably, applications related to matters such as legal proceedings, revenue/appeals, and establishment-related issues will not be accepted on Lokshahi Day. Citizens are advised to take note of this and refrain from submitting applications on these topics.
Furthermore, applications that do not adhere to the prescribed format or lack the required supporting documents will not be accepted. If an applicant has already received a response or is awaiting a response on a particular matter, they should not resubmit the same application in connection with that subject.
The official format for Lokshahi Day applications can be downloaded free of charge from the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation’s new headquarters building, Jan Sampark Department, 3rd floor, Room 15E, near Killegaon Thane, CBD Belapur. Citizens can also download the application form easily from the municipality’s official website at www.nmmc.gov.in.
This Lokshahi Day initiative aims to promote transparency, accessibility, and efficiency in the municipal administration, allowing citizens to voice their concerns and seek resolutions to various issues.
For more information and updates, please visit the official website of the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation.