Mumbai :- In a move aimed at ensuring a peaceful and well-managed celebration, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has declared a public holiday on Friday, September 29th. This decision comes as the Anant Chaturdashi, Ganesh Visarjan, and Eid-e-Milad festivals all coincide on Thursday, September 28th.
The decision to declare September 29th a holiday was prompted by a request from the All India Khilafat Committee delegation, which included prominent figures such as MP Rahul Shewale, MLA Abu Azmi, and MLA Raees Khan, among others. The delegation emphasized the need for a holiday to maintain a peaceful atmosphere during the festivities, allowing the police administration to effectively manage crowds and processions associated with both festivals.
Anant Chaturdashi marks the farewell to Lord Ganesha, a beloved deity in the state, and it is customary to conduct disciplined and peaceful Ganesh Visarjan processions. Chief Minister Shinde appealed to the citizens to observe Ganesh Visarjan in an atmosphere of peace and harmony.
Reflecting on the recent Ganeshotsav celebrations, Chief Minister Shinde expressed his satisfaction with the police’s efforts in maintaining law and order throughout the state. He commended the Ganesh mandals for adhering to the rules and celebrating this cherished festival with joy.
In addition to promoting peaceful celebrations, the Chief Minister highlighted the importance of cleanliness. As part of the “Clean Maharashtra” campaign, efforts are underway to make villages and wards garbage-free by October 1. Chief Minister Shinde called upon Ganesh Mandals to assist in keeping the surroundings clean after the immersion of idols, sending a positive message to the community.
The Chief Minister also extended his warm wishes for Eid-e-Milad, hoping that the festive season would bring harmony and mutual respect. He emphasized the message of sacrifice and love conveyed by Prophet Muhammad and encouraged everyone to work towards increasing mutual respect and love in society.
As the state prepares to celebrate Anant Chaturdashi, Ganesh Visarjan, and Eid-e-Milad on the same day, Chief Minister Shinde’s decision to declare a public holiday on September 29th aims to ensure that these significant events are observed with peace, unity, and respect for all traditions.