It is highly advisable for any parent to seek help from Pediatric but this is my story of 14 Months old baby boy who sometime wakes up from sleep crying and crying as he cannot speak it is very necessary to figure out what is he going through. After you figure out he crying due to stomach pain or colic then this is the advice that was given to me by my mother and this is home remedy which is Asafetida (Hing) Powder take it in a spoon with a luke warm water and give to baby.

It may take 30 minutes for it to effect as it fights against gas and not only my 14 Months old boy but even me i take sometimes this and it gives me relief too and i really mean great relief and it does has bad smell so may not want to smell and take it, you should just put a small spoon of Hing with warm water and gulp it and size for your baby would differ but this is never a risk as its natural but shouldn’t be too much again less than a spoon always.
Now not always Hing is going to work and my Pediatric had suggested to me 2 Syrup or drops that i had to give him and that is Ondansetron Oral IP and Simethicone Dill Oil & Fennel Oil Drops there is instructions written on it how much you should give and it has worked wonders and finally when colic is stopped but your child is continuing to do loose motion which is quite common as their gas comes out when they poop(Motion) AD10 has worked really really great i would definitely suggest and if it continues for more than a day then you have to go and pay a visit to your Pediatric and follow his instructions. All these methods was suggested to me by Pediatric and it has worked wonders for me and for any parent he wouldn’t want his child to go through any pain and wants to make him feel better ASAP so you always have to be prepared with any small issues he might face and you should be ready.